Valorant Roulette Strategy: Actionable Guide

Valorant Roulette Strategy: Actionable Guide

Launched in 2020, Valorant very quickly made its way to become one of the most popular games in the gaming industry. Within almost one year of its inception, Valorant already had as many as 14 million monthly active PC users. Furthermore, it is also one of the top five most popular games on Twitch. Reports suggest that people have spent 20 million hours simply watching the various gameplays of Valorant on this live-streaming platform while applying the Valorant Roulette Strategy. Such is its craze! 

For those who are new to the gaming world, Valorant is a tactical first-person shooter game that is not only quite fun to play but, at times, can get pretty competitive. In order to experience the actual thrill of this game, you should definitely try out the squad mode. So without further ado, let’s get started. 

The following article will provide all the necessary information about what is Valorant Strategy and how you can access its actionable strategies to make your game more fun!

What Is Valorant Roulette Strat?

Valorant Roulette Strat is a fun website that helps players make their game more exciting and fun. Often, players tend to take this game too seriously, which in turn leads to a toxic environment or stressful gameplay. Therefore, you should use this website to make your game more exciting and light-hearted. 

At Valorant Roulette Strat, you will be provided with various new strategies, cool challenges, and new maps. The idea is to create a fun environment where you can play with your friends. Although the website is slightly outdated and only has four maps, the different kinds of strategies fuel the gameplay to become an even better version of itself. The rules of this website are also very simple. Once you open this site, you will be provided with an unexpected challenge or strategy based on your chosen map and whether you are playing as an attacker or defender. 

How To Use Valorant Roulette Strat? 

Valorant Roulette Strategy is straightforward to use and does not require much brainstorming. You will just have to keep a few crucial things in mind. For example, when you enter a challenge, you will experience certain fun features, such as,

  • Sound Effects- Whether you are shooting a gun or using other abilities, you will have to make sound effects for every action. Furthermore, it is also recommended to use the teleporter as much as possible, and do not forget to add a new sound every time you use it. 
  • Follow Your Leader- If you are playing with your friends, do not forget to choose one leader beforehand. The key is always to follow your leader in one line wherever you go and not stray from your leader.
  • One Mic- Yet another vital thing to remember is that the person at the bottom of the scoreboard is only given permission to access their mic. They must use it smartly and provide callouts for their other teammates whenever necessary.

Unable to access this website? Follow the below-mentioned steps for easy access.

  • Search for Valorant Strat Roulette on your browser.
  • Click on the official link of Valorant Strat Roulette
  • You will be provided with two options, attacker and defender. Select one according to your preference. 
  • Following this, choose the map that you wish to play on.
  • At the bottom of the screen, you will see a Strat button. Click on it.
  • Use the provided strategy for your next Valorant match.

Some of the most common strategies provided by this website to users include,

  • Silent But Deadly- This is a relatively simple one. All you have to do is everyone, including your teammates, must keep the master volume of the game at the lowest volume, 0.
  • Wild West- You and your teammates are only allowed to buy Sheriffs. Occasionally, you can also buy armour; however, purchasing a gun with your points is a strict no-no. Furthermore, you can also receive extra points if you use a Western accent when calling out to your teammates.
  • Doppelganger- This one is yet another interesting strategy. You must look out for an enemy on the opponent team with the same agent as you. Unless and until you have found your doppelganger and successfully killed them, you cannot kill other enemies. However, if you do not have a doppelganger, you can help your teammates kill theirs before moving on to other enemies.
  • Shout Casters- Imagine yourself in a professional match setting. For every action you make in the game, you have to narrate the same. However, it allows only the live team members to participate. Once you die, you have to stop.

These are some of the most common strategies you will frequently encounter in Strat Roulette Valorant. As quite visible from the list, Valorant Roulette Strategy can enhance the gaming experience with friends. However, remember that you should never use these strategies for a serious ranked match.


Hopefully, this has cleared all your doubts regarding what is Valorant Strat and what are the different Valorant Roulette Strategies available. In today’s competitive and toxic gameplay world, taking some time off and enjoying a fun experience with your friends is essential. With the help of Strat Roulette Valorant, you can achieve the same. From spending the whole game in a crouched position to killing enemies through walls, this website gives you fun and impossible challenges that you should definitely try out. 
