The First Crypto Land Based Casino

astro casino the first crypto land based casino metaverse casino

The First Crypto Land Based Casino. Metaverse Casino.

astro casino the first crypto land based casino metaverse casino

Astro Babies and El Salvador are working together on a new project. Astro Casino is set to launch in June and it will be the FIRST Crypto land based casino in the world! NFTs will take place along with the Metaverse Casino on a mysterious planet.

You heard it right! The FIRST land-based CRYPTO casino slash FIRST METAVERSE casino will be available until June in El Salvador, the only country in the world that accepted Bitcoin as a legal tender.
Astro Babies a Canadian company will be the main protagonist behind this project, which will soon be available to open its doors to the public. The name of the extraordinary Casino will be ASTRO CASINO and it will be located in Ciudad Bitcoin (Bitcoin City) in El Salvador.


Just like any other regular land-based casino, it will be offering a VIP lounge, Slot Machines room, Blackjack Tables, Poker Tables, Roulette Tables, Terrace, Weekly Poker tournaments, DJ, Restaurant, and more.

What makes it different from any other casino is the ways you can enter this casino. Well, there are 2 ways!

First is by entering physically into the casino.
Secondly, is by using your VR Headset and voila! You’re there!

In the Metaverse casino, you’ll be able to exchange NFTs while as buy and selling in the marketplace. This will be available through the SOLANA blockchain.

On the Solana planet, metaverse events will be taking place for a top experience. With the help of the mother of the internet as some may call it WEB 3.0, you’ll be placed into the virtual world with wearable technology.

The BOMB that everyone is waiting for

Well here is something you don’t see frequently. At Astro Casino, you will have the chance to enjoy Revenue Sharing by owing the ASTRO BABY NFTs ( Astro Baby, Ape, or Pup).

If you manage to own all 3 NFTs you’ll get additional profits from the aftermarket royalties which will be paid in $ABB Tokens! The token will launch in June along with ASTRO casino.

A brief story about Bitcoin in El Salvador

The person behind the Bitcoin Experiment in El Salvador is no other than the 43rd president Nayib Bukele, who was elected in 2019. Bitcoin became a legal tender in 2021.

Along with the news of the out-of-the-blue experiment in 2021, the government of El Salvador created a digital wallet named CHIVO which was granting $30 to its citizens if they use it. The reason was mainly promotional so citizens would get familiar with the new technology around crypto. Even though many would believe that the project would bring positive results, so far it has declined.

On the 9th of May, the President acquired 500 Bitcoin worth around $15.5 million. According to sources, it’s estimated that El Salvador has bought around 2300 Bitcoins since 2021 which until now has resulted in $29 million worth of losses.

El Salvador flag

Bitcoin City Project

Recently, it was revealed a futuristic plan about a Bitcoin City and the first images located next to the Conchagua Volcano!
The city as stated will be free from most taxes such as income tax, property tax, and more, while the only applicable tax will be the VAT.

The city will consist of commercial and residential areas and more. The volcano will be used to create new Bitcoins via geothermal energy. The same energy will be used to power up Bitcoin City. Even though the plan seems to be optimistic, we will surely be monitoring the progress of the plan.

Our Thoughts

Even though Crypto casinos are popular among players since more players tempt to use cryptos nowadays, for deposits and withdrawals, we don’t know how the casino will be monitored and basically, we haven’t come across any other valuable information about the rules, mechanics, the strategy, etc. We highly believe that it will strive to become the best crypto casino among Metaverse and technology enthusiasts. Until then we will be waiting.


We have gathered the most important questions and tried to give the best answers.

NFT is a Non-Fungible Token and is a digital asset usually representing art, items, and more. They contain the same coding as any other cryptocurrency and can be bought via cryptocurrency.

Every ownership of NFT is listed on the blockchain
An NFT contains a file that may contain audio, images, etc.

In 2021, the Merge was sold to 30.000 collectors who bought parts of this NFT for an overall stunning price of $91.8 million.

While the most expensive NFT ever sold to a single owner was the ”The first 5000 days” and cost $69.3 million It’s a collage consisting of 5000 special images made one per day for consecutive 13 years.

It’s considered to be a virtual space where real people can come together and socialize, shop, exchange, and more.

In simple words, it’s a virtual reality where you can play, work and do a lot of everyday stuff.

Even if it’s considered to be in the early stages, it’s considered the market to reach up to 13 trillion dollars by the end of 2030 but nothing is for granted without breakthrough investments.

Solana is a public blockchain. The network can process over 700.000 transactions per second and it’s considered to be one of the most promising and lucrative platforms.


The official crypto of Solana is SOL.
